Central data repository

GridBank provides a centralized repository of all unstructured data, consolidating storage pools, file systems, emails and .PST files into a single view through file system virtualization.

  • Google-like search capabilities deliver end users with unprecedented view of distributed datasets through a single management pane
  • Apply custom metadata, tag data or setup legal holds against any search query, enabling quick & efficient discovery
  • Reduces business risk by providing automatic intelligent policies for data management, retention & disposal through a centralized management console

GridBank discovery manager

Tarmin GridBank Discovery Manager enables quick and efficient search across the entire data estate which significantly reduces e-Discovery time frames.

  • Easy to use & intuitive interface for the management of archives, libraries, repositories, shares, catalogs, basket, search & messages
  • Central repository of all unstructured data, consolidated storage pools, file systems, emails & .PST files into a single view to reduce risks
  • On demand access for administrators or authorized legal teams to search & retrieve information, significantly reducing e-Discovery time frames

Tag and ingest metadata

Tarmin GridBank seamlessly ingests and consolidates all unstructured data and applies metadata capabilities to deliver fast search and retrieval of all information from the centralized archive.

  • Distributed metadata repository stores all ‘data about the data’ which crosses data type & location boundaries to provide global access to the data estate
  • Ingests over 550 unstructured data file types & sources, empowering knowledge workers with on demand access, accelerated search & e-discovery
  • Metadata classification tag can be added to app appropriate files that are ingested into GridBank