Delivers end-to-end data identity management

Data security and identity management capabilities provide information governance for compliance, end-to-end data identity management, delivering optimal availability for global replication and BYOD data mobility.

  • Global namespace functionality preserves referential integrity & maintains user credentials, enforcing permissions consistently through the entire environment
  • Permission schema integrations with standards such as Kerberos, Active Directory & Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
  • Legally defensible retention & disposal policies, as well as every event of access, modification or movement must leave defensible chain-of-custody audit trail

Addresses individual user & device levels

Delivering the right data to the right person at the right time should be easy, but that’s not always the case. GridBank delivers a solution that fits organizational needs with the accelerated rise in BYOD and data mobility initiatives through cloud services.

  • End-to-end protection to the individual user & across all storage, servers, infrastructures & smart devices
  • Custom & flexible security permissions for maintaining consistent user credentials for all end users throughout the organization
  • Data classification report provides details about files across the data estate including folder size, user access, file permissions, modified date, last accessed date, etc. for administrators

Provides greater information security

GridBank integrates with Active Directory for identity management security and imports users security permissions into GridBank allowing security access to be followed even if the primary security environment is not available.

  • Encryption applied at the object or file level to any or all data ensures the level of security is very granular
  • Sync & share capabilities enable users to select which datasets or folder can be shared with users or user groups & to determine which access permissions should be set
  • Long term protection from hardware failure, unauthorized access, inadvertent loss & undesirable modification for reduced reputational risk