Scalable Digital Asset Storage

Scalable Digital Asset Storage

GridBank provides a scale-out storage solution, offering organizations a highly flexible grid-based infrastructure to meet their digital asset growth expectations.

  • Distributed dedupe & compression reduces storage CAPEX & a centralized management console reduces infrastructure OPEX
  • Site-based automated data management & information governance policies for ingestion, migration, retention, disposition, disposal & tagging
  • Provides access simultaneously to 100,000s of users concurrently & can scale to multiple petabytes of data

Integrated Extensible Metadata

Integrated Extensible Metadata

GridBank’s MetaBase, allows Telco and Media organizations to leverage metadata to address storage consolidation, data governance, discovery and analytics.

  • High performance metadata repository can be queried through analytics tools such as Hadoop or Spark for financial analytics & actionable insights
  • Indexes three types of metadata from all sources, file property & attribute metadata, full content metadata & custom arbitrary key:value pair metadata
  • Metadata tags & other granular data attributes enable customers to meet the specific regulatory mandates or internal policies, reducing exposure to data risk

Search & Discovery

Search & Discovery

GridBank provides a comprehensive search and discovery infrastructure based on the GridBank MetaBase, which provides quicker access to information across the entire data estate.

  • Ingested data is processed through a full content index & collected into the MetaBase repository & is added to the federated search server
  • Google-like search capabilities provide users with unprecedented view of data through a single management pane
  • Instant discovery & retrieval of data lowers costs associated with search & discovery & litigation preparedness

Migrate from Tape Libraries

Migrate from Tape Libraries

GridBank provides the option to retrieve and migrate digital assets from tapes into the centralized storage pool for management and indexing.

  • Ingestion policies can be set up to migrate data from the tape to a staging area & then on from the staging area into GridBank
  • The data migration functionality enables automatic information archiving & tiering of data based on pre-determined policies
  • Migrating unchanging data from tape libraries reduces backup windows & storage costs